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Course Registration Forms

Release Time Form PDF
First page of the PDF file: Release Time Form PDF

Student Early Release Time Form. Release time is granted permission to leave campus for such activities as off-campus instruction, work, etc. During release time, students are subject to discipline under the scope of the school’s authority (JIC-Student Conduct). 

Students must provide their own transportation to accommodate release times. Students who loiter on campus are subject to trespass and discipline in accordance with Gilbert Public Schools Student Conduct Policies. 

Students will be given a full-day schedule with electives until a completed form is submitted. Requests will be fulfilled based on course offerings and availability. 

Teacher Aide Guidelines and Contract PDF
First page of the PDF file: Teacher Aide Guidelines and Contract PDF

Teacher Aide Guidelines and Contract Information

The contract verifies that the student and teacher/office personnel indicated in contract agree to accept the responsibilities listed below:

Teachers are limited to three student aides per year. Teachers/Personnel:

  • Are expected to orient student in regards to their expectations of them during the semester/year
  • Should only agree to supervise a teacher aide if ample tasks will be available to keep the student busy a majority of the assigned time
  • Are expected to maintain attendance records and enforce the attendance and tardy policy of HHS
  • Are required to keep teacher aides with them either in their classroom or department office during the scheduled hour. Teachers who release their student aides and allow them to wander campus may lose the opportunity to have future student aides.
  • Are required to provide teacher aides who are engaged in campus errands with a pass that identifies the student as an aide.
  • Who require more than three teacher aides must have prior approval from the administration before signing the teacher aide form.

Students agree to:

  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality. Information that involves students and/or faculty may NOT be shared with anyone. Failure to comply with this code of confidentiality will result in your immediate removal as an aid resulting in loss of credit for the course.
  • Maintain good attendance, be on time, and be ready to work.
  • Abide by HHS dress code policy
  • Listen and comply with directives of the teacher/supervisor and other adults with whom you may interact with on campus. Be kind, and courteous and exhibit professional behavior.
  • Bring assignments/homework in the event that there are no specific duties for you to perform on a given day.
  • Remain in the immediate area assigned (classroom, office, etc.) unless asked to perform a specific task elsewhere.


Students will be given a full-day schedule with electives until a completed form is submitted. Requests will be fulfilled based on course offerings and availability.

  • Students are responsible for finding their own teacher aide position.
  • Teacher aide positions will not be assigned until a completed contract is turned in to the counseling office.
  • Contract must indicate which elective the student wants to drop for a TA position. If preference is not indicated, dropped electives will be determined by your counselor.
  • Teacher aide contracts received after the start of the 25/26 school year may not be fulfilled due to course offerings and or classes being full.
  • Students are expected to attend assigned classes until the teacher-aide contract has been reviewed and approved. Teacher aide positions are NOT effective until it is updated on a student’s schedule in Infinite Campus.